It's been quite a busy month around here; the boys and I managed to make it through mid-winter break without too much conflict. We had some fun at the Seattle Center, and we took our young friend Emma with us to visit the EMP (Experience Music Project)-the kids were not exactly enthralled but it was fun to get them out of the house and away from the tv, nonetheless. Here they are at the front of the monorail:
The end of the month will find me down in Austin, TX-to volunteer with the Obama campaign and get out the vote for their March 4th primary. I'll be staying with Chris & Pearly, who have graciously agreed to put me up for the week, and a BIG thank you must go out to my parents who not only financed the trip, but made it possible to leave my boys (big and small) at home as well. Props to Allen too, who I know would love to be able to come down with me, but must stay behind to earn the money that allows me to live this life of luxury I have become accustomed to. HA! No really, he has to work and help with the boys and although I know he's jealous he's not getting to go, he's also been really encouraging and happy for me to get the opportunity to do this. He's a hell of a guy, I tell ya.
I'm really looking forward to being a part of something truly larger than myself, and a phenomenon that I may never again experience in my lifetime. It should be a lot of fun, and I've promised to blog about it while I'm down there, as well as take tons of pictures.
I'll return March 5th and be looking forward to my m.i.l.'s arrival on the 6th, then it's Jacob's 9th YES 9th birthday on the 7th. It should be great fun for him to be able to celebrate his birthday with both grandma's!